

Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ), founded in March 1985, promoted by the major semiconductor equipment manufacturers, is a nationwide organization of semiconductor manufacturing, flat panel display (FPD) manufacturing equipment manufacturers and related equipment manufacturers.

SEAJ had existed as an incorporated association from July in 1995. From April 1st in 2012, SEAJ has been authorized by Cabinet Office as a General Incorporated Association that related to the reform of the public-interest corporations system.

The Japanese semiconductor and FPD manufacturing equipment industries is playing great role in supporting the world's semiconductor industry due to the manufacture of semiconductors and FPDs that lay the foundation of the advanced information oriented industries by supplying manufacturing equipment and the indispensable producer goods to the semiconductor industry to Japan and abroad.

In order to promote the development of the semiconductor manufacturing equipment industry and other related industries and to contribute to the further development such as investigative research on production and distribution, proposing and indicating the direction of semiconductor equipment technologies, investigating and studying the area of Emerging Technology, the activities of popularization and enlightenment by conducting of various seminars and lectures, planning of project and promotion of standardization.



Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan

6F Rokubancho SK Bldg.,
3 Rokubancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0085 Japan
PHONE 03(3261)8260 FAX 03(3261)8263

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